Pharmacophore an International Research Journal
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Open Access | Published: 2023 - Issue 2


Shaik Rehna1, Munna Sreenivasulu2, Kanamala Arun Chand Roby3*


  1. Pharm D. 4th Year. Ratnam Institute of Pharmacy, India.
  2. Principal Ratnam Institute of Pharmacy, India.
  3. Department of Pharmacy Practice, Ratnam Institute of Pharmacy- Nellore AP, India.


Parched gangrene has been attributable to a reduction in the flow of blood through arteries. This would seem progressively as well as gentle advances. Like most citizens, its infected area doesn’t become more afflicted. Inside this kind of gangrene, its tissue will become extremely difficult but also dark starts of about parched, but also subsequently sluffing out. Parched gangrene is usually noticed in individuals with blocking of arteries (arteriosclerosis). Someone else provokes involve tao, Reynaud’s disorder but also brain injury. This is generally shown in a few of the toes which would be far from the circulatory system and usually contain such little blood supply which even invading microorganisms find it difficult of about develop within necroses tissue. Its gangrene gradually continues to spread upward until it gets to a place with sufficient blood supply to keep its tissue viable. The road-like detachment brought most of the total separation, as for ultimate dropping off the gangrenous tissue if this is not surgically removed, furthermore considered auto surgical excision. Amputation = withdrawal of such a part of the body through the surgical procedure as well as brain injury. "To trim away", through the ambi- ("about", "around") as well as ‘putare’ ("to prune"). Disarticulation is the removal of a limb with its joint. This is one of the important antiquated general surgical of all surgical interventions. Chemotherapeutics & antibacterial drugs have made it easier to regulate the invasion of infectious diseases and reduced the risk of mortality.

Keywords: Amputation, Dry gangrene, Raynauds, Arteriosclerosis, Angiopathy, Scleroderma


Dry gangrene takes place whenever the blood flow to tissue has been constrained but rather obstructed. The area has become parched, and keeps shrinking, but also goes black as a result of arterial obstruction. Generally affected parts of a body from the toes, fingertips, hands, feet, and genitals, however, the ear lobule its infected area would be parched, shrunk down as well as deep black, closely resembling a mouse’s foot. This darkness is because of the deliverance of red blood cells through the haemolysed RBCS which would be functioned upon it by hydrocarbon disulfide produced by the bacteria resulting in the formation of black iron sulfide [1, 2]. histopathologies there have been necrotic lesions as for scrunching of a tissue.


Age: - common in 50-75 years of age

 Sex: - approx.75% male, 25% female

Limb: - approx. 85% - lower limb, 15% - upper limb.


A frequent cause like parched gangrene has been large vessel diseases like diabetes mellitus, atherogenesis, as well as lengthy having a cigarette. Lower than normal, small-vessel angiopathy related to immune disorders vasculitis as well as connective tissue illnesses, such as scleroderma, infectious diseases, brain injury, serious burns, and frostbite induce gangrene.


People may experience signs such as skin bruises, blue skin because of circulation problems, black blotch, slight discoloration, ulcers, and full-body flu-like symptoms similar to hypotension. Typical symptoms include creaking joints, foul-smelling discharge, pus, or reduced sensation of touch.


Treatment includes: Antibiotics and removing dead tissue.

Supportive care- IV fluids and Oxygen therapy

Medical procedure- Removal of unhealthy tissue

Surgery- Amputation, Skin grafting, and Fasciotomy.

Case History

A 45-year-old female patient was admitted to the hospital for the blackening of both limbs for six months. She had a history of an accident eight months back and had visited several centers for treatment. She was under medication but with improper usage. Later she developed a darkening of both limbs and the physician advised amputation, but she rejected it. After some time she had swollen legs with bilateral pain, the physician referred her to higher centers for Amputation of both limbs, but having an infection, the physician left the wound unsutured. After the relapse of infection within a month, they performed suturing for one limb. She was on medication of Cefoperazone, Salbactum for 15 days, and later Ceftriaxone for 20 days. Subsequently, the pain relapsed for a month. After the surgery, she was on Pipercillin Tazobactum 4.5gm BD for 5 days which was changed to Meropenum 1gm BD after that [3].

Tests Performed

Blood culture, CBP, CUE, LFT, RFT, Lipid profile, Hb1Ac, X-ray CT of Lower limbs, MRI, and Lower limbs Doppler Study are performed.


Bilateral Lower Limb Dry Gangrene.


Bilateral Above Knee Amputation.

Table 1. Treatment for the patient during amputation and after post-operative for recovery.


Generic Name


No. Of days



Inj Sulbacef

Cefoperazone + Salbactum 1.5gms

Cephalosporin antibiotics.










Inj Xone

Ceftriaxone 1gm

Cephalosporin antibiotics.




Inj Piptaz

Pipercillin + Tazobactam 4.5gms

Penicillin and beta-lactamase inhibitors.




Inj Meropenem

Meopenam 1gm






Pantoprazole 40mg

Proton Pump Inhibitor


IV/ Oral


Cap Becosules






Inj Diclo

Diclofenac 50mg/ml

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs




Inj Metrogyl

Metronidazole 500mg/100ml

Nitroimidazol antibiotics




Tab Ultracet

Tramadol + Acetaminophen

Non-opioid analgesics




Tab Amoxiclav

Amoxicillin+ Potassium Clavulanate


30 days



Tab Amlong


Calcium Channel Blocker




Tab Ecosprin


Antiplatelet drug




Tab Ator






Tab Copilet


Antiplatelet drug





In our hospital, a female patient aged 45 was admitted with discoloration of both limbs and swollen above the knee, has visited several centers and was finally brought to the government hospital. After admission doctors advised bilateral amputation above the knee with a gangrene-like unknown disease, a radical physical exam has been conducted to gauge its vasculature including the heart as well as the peripheral pulse width. An electrocardiogram (ECG) analyzes myocardial function. Hypertension has been assessed through ultrasound from both the lower limb as well as upper limbs of about measuring its ankle-brachial index (ABI) [4]. If the ABI was 1-1.4 which is standard whenever the stress within the lower limb will be the same or higher than the threshold limbs. When the ABI is 0.5-0.8 it implies mild-to-moderate vertebral arteries illness. If ABI is less than 0.5 it implies serious vertebral arteries disorder [5]. Visuals that were used to gauge peripheral vascular disease could include: vasculature ultrasonographic – of about discover its sites (s) like interruption through veins and arteries [6]. angiography is still a scan used to indicate the type like gangrene when using a dye, position but also scope like vasculature interruption with an impacted limb. Magnetic resonance (MRI) –could also replace traditional angiography. Computed tomography (CT) – this could demonstrate calcification also with contrast (dye) could demonstrate vasculature interruption [7]. Echocardiogram – ultrasonographic of a tricuspid valve to recognize an origin like emboli. Blood tests evaluate renal function, electrolyte supplements, lipid levels, and coagulation position but also mark inflammation, such as D- dimer and C- Reactive test for infection and clots. A diagnosis like gangrene varies greatly depending on place as well as inducement but then is centered all over drastic surgeries debridement +/- amputation. Surgical interventions may include disposals like embolus rather than thrombus, balloon cardiac catheterization rather than the stent, arterial as well as vascular heart surgery, and hyperbaric diagnosis with medical care [8].


Figure 1. Amputation of both limbs due to dry gangrene


Figure 2. Infection after amputation


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Figure 3. Healing of the amputated wounds after treatment and dressing.

The Objectives of Amputees

The elimination the whole necrotic, infected but also painful tissue.

Treating the wound and reducing infections effectively.

Having such a suitable remnant stump that is large enough to accommodate a prosthetic.

Post-Operative Care

Amputation stump must be maintained through rest by encompassing it in a pop cast which might broaden just above the joint proximal toward the stump [9].

It will protect flexion contracture like the proximal joint.

Cast is managed to keep for at least 3 weeks.

Rigid Dressing

significantly reduces edema, reduces post-operative aches, defends the limb, and initial metabolization. Decent bandaging of the molding its stump into the conical shape to just accept its prosthesis.

Soft Dressing Concept

A stump has been dressed also with a sterile dressing and an elastoplastic crepe bandage meant to apply it over.

To get rid of all necrotic, infected, and painful tissue [10].


Our study concluded that the patient with dry gangrene had undergone the surgical procedure with bilateral amputation of both legs above the knee and was treated with several antibiotics to reduce infection, pain relievers are used, multivitamin supplements and other treatment was provided till discharge. As clinical pharmacists, we should educate patients about injuries that occur during work, agriculture, etc. They should be aware of injuries. It is necessary to create awareness among the public about wounds that cause damage and lead to disability if not treated.

Acknowledgments: All thanks and praises to God almighty for his countless, abundant, and never-ending blessings in completing this work.  It is a proud privileged honor for us to express our thanks and gratefulness to all the persons who backed us directly or indirectly throughout this research work as magnitude. Most importantly authors are thankful to patients and healthcare professionals.

Conflict of interest: None

Financial support: None

Ethics statement: Patient Consent form collected from patient and patient attendants.


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