A consolidated study was conducted on prevalence knowledge and attitude of self-medication with dietary supplements among pharmacy students. We all the members of our group randomly collected data from Pharmacy Departments of different universities ( the University of Sargodha, GC University of Faisalabad, and University of Lahore). All the major factors leading to self-medication of dietary supplements were assured by online friends and family and previous experience of taking any dietary supplements. We ascertained different vitamins used by pharmacy students by reviewing questionnaire. Majority of students were using multivitamins. We personally assured all of the students filled the questionnaire and then we analyzed the collected data. And it was the same as we required in accordance to our questionnaire’s design.
As the results of our study, we found that 60% were female and 40% were male. With accordance to age distribution, no student was above 25. Knowledge about self-medication with dietary supplement was satisfactory and they had a positive attitude towards self-medication with dietary supplements.
Prevalence of self-medication with dietary supplements was for good health and gaining energy and it contributes to a proper diet. Regular intake of dietary supplements may eliminate all other deficiencies. Simple questionnaire of our study may be useful for evaluation of different factors contributing towards self-medication.