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Open Access | Published: 2020 - Issue 6

An Overview of Diagnosis and Management of Osteoarthritis in Primary Health Care Center Download PDF

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Introduction: One of the most common presenting complaints to the family physician is joint pain. It is the physician’s duty thereafter to diagnose the patient and offer appropriate management of symptoms. The diagnosis of osteoarthritis is clinically based, but it is important to differentiate it from other arthritic conditions. Therefore, other diagnostic modalities such as imaging and laboratory markers may be suitable. Objective: We aimed to discuss the approach to osteoarthritis in the primary health clinic, and how it is diagnosed and managed. Methods: We searched Pubmed for ((Osteoarthritis) (AND (management) OR (diagnosis)) and extracted the relevant literature.  Review: Osteoarthritis appears in the fifth decade in females, with a stiffness that progresses in severity throughout the day. Laboratory markers are often negative, hence, differentiating it from inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis. Imaging shows joint space narrowing and, as osteoarthritis is progressive, it could be utilized to monitor therapeutic response. Conclusion: Osteoarthritis is a debilitating illness for which many patients follow-up their treatment alongside their general practitioner. The family physician should therefore attempt to discuss the different therapeutic options available including conservative, medical, and surgical interventions.
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Almuzini SAS, Alshami HM, Almeqbel SB, Bin-Talib MA, Alshowaier MA, Aljifry AK, et al. An Overview of Diagnosis and Management of Osteoarthritis in Primary Health Care Center. Pharmacophore. 2020;11(6):152-6.
Almuzini, S. A. S., Alshami, H. M., Almeqbel, S. B., Bin-Talib, M. A., Alshowaier, M. A., Aljifry, A. K., Alturkistani, R. A., Albadrani, F. F., Alsamman, B. K., Alhashim, M. A., et al. (2020). An Overview of Diagnosis and Management of Osteoarthritis in Primary Health Care Center. Pharmacophore, 11(6), 152-156.

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