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Open Access | Published: 2022 - Issue 1

An Overview of the Antimicrobial Effect of Natural Irrigants in Disinfection of Root Canal System Download PDF


The endodontic irrigants have an important role in eradicating microorganisms from the canal space to achieve a host manageable bioburden. The most important purpose for treating the root canal is to obtain an aseptic field and achieve the root canal system’s three-dimensional obturation. The irrigating solutions used in endodontics can irritate the periradicular region due to their cytotoxicity and would not remove the microorganism which has penetrated deeper into the dentinal tubule. Phototherapy, a natural herbal alternative and biological medication, have been popularly used in endodontics due to its ease of availability, reduced cost, less toxicity, and improved shelf life. The present literature survey reviews the importance of using herbal medicaments and irrigants in the disinfection of the root canal system. In the current review article, we performed a Medline, PubMed, scopus search for all English-language articles published till July 2022. We used the keywords ‘herbal irrigants’ ‘endodontic irrigant’’biocompatibility’, cytotoxicity.

Cite this article
Attavar S. An Overview of the Antimicrobial Effect of Natural Irrigants in Disinfection of Root Canal System. Pharmacophore. 2022;13(1):79-82.
Attavar, S. (2022). An Overview of the Antimicrobial Effect of Natural Irrigants in Disinfection of Root Canal System. Pharmacophore, 13(1), 79-82.

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