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Open Access | Published: 2023 - Issue 5

Analysis of the Effectiveness of Inulin in Alloxan Diabetes Treatment Download PDF

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An increase in the activity and the appearance of a new isoform of NAD-dependent malate dehydrogenase (MDH) in the liver of rats with alloxan diabetes was revealed. This fact confirms the possibility of the participation of the malate dehydrogenase enzyme system in the adaptive reaction of the body under oxidative stress caused by biochemical changes in diabetic cells. An increase in the activity of the enzyme under study in experimental type I diabetes is associated with the formation of an additional MDH isoform in peroxisomes. Data on the expression of mdh1 and mdh2 MDH genes confirm that in diabetes, activation of enzymes occurs at the transcription level of their genes. The use of inulin contributed to a noticeable decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood of rats with alloxan diabetes, leveled the change in the transcriptional activity of the studied genes, and, as a consequence, blocked the formation of a new isoform of MDH in rats with experimental alloxan diabetes. As a result, this extract may be of considerable interest from the point of view of pharmacological correction of metabolic changes in the development of pathologies of this kind.

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Aliev MU, Dasaeva ZS, Murtazalieva SY, Masaeva ZS, Kamalova ER, Zelenskaya VG, et al. Analysis of the Effectiveness of Inulin in Alloxan Diabetes Treatment. Pharmacophore. 2023;14(5):84-90.
Aliev, M. U., Dasaeva, Z. S., Murtazalieva, S. Y., Masaeva, Z. S., Kamalova, E. R., Zelenskaya, V. G., Grinina, O. V., & Karibova, G. A. (2023). Analysis of the Effectiveness of Inulin in Alloxan Diabetes Treatment. Pharmacophore, 14(5), 84-90.

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