Pharmacophore an International Research Journal
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Open Access | Published: 2018 - Issue 6

Awareness About Scabies Symptoms,Transmission Ways And Prevention Among Population In Al-Madinah Almunawarh, Saudi Arabia Download PDF

Afnan Hadeed Hamed Alharbi, Alrashdi Mousa N, Rehab Nasser Alrashidi, Ghadeer Alighadaf, Aghareed Mobaruk Aljohani

Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the awareness of scabies infection manifestation and the ways of treatment and preventive measurements among the general population in Al-MADINAH ALMUNAWARAH, SAUDI ARABIA. Methods: This was a cross sectional study which used validated questionnaires that were collected by the authors from random general public places in Al-Madinah Almunawarah city. Result: The total of 622 questionnaires were collected. Majority of them were female (70%). Most of the study participants (67%) were academic in their education, and their source of information about scabies was mainly(33%) online social media. 58% of them believed that scabies is a parasitic disease due to mites. 39% believed that scabies cause persistent skin itching, but 37% did not know the incubation period of the disease. 62% believed that the most affected by scabies have been children. 13% believed that scabies had no complications. 21% thought that avoiding people with itching, avoiding touching or using their tools or clothes have been the most effective preventive measures. 5% believed that there was no cure for scabies, and 8% did not know about it. 52% believed that the treatment of scabies can be done through consultation with a doctor. While  32% did not believe that treatment should be given to all family members of the person with scabies. 23% did not know when they should go back to work after starting the scabies treatment. Conclusion: This examination showed satisfactory levels of awareness about scabies and its symptoms and transmission ways among the study participants. However, the population’s awareness and health education should be increased to fill the gaps existing in their knowledge about the scabies’ preventive measures.

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ISSN: 2229-5402

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