For the period of 2015 to 2021, 194 cases of a pathogenic process due to the retention of membranes in cows were detected in the herds of cows of Krasnodar and Kuban educational farms under supervision. The predominant etiological factor in the occurrence of the retention of the membranes in cows is the development in the pregnant uterus of a chronic inflammatory process, which causes a dense fusion of chorionic villi with caruncles. At the same time, hemodynamic disorders and hypotonia of the uterus, noticeably prevail over the rest. The reason for the retention of the membranes should be considered the blood circulation in the maternal part of the placenta, due to the high concentration of unbound heparin and the low concentration of ascorbic acid. Hyperkinesia allocated by several authors. Animals does not play such a big role. In addition, the relationship can be traced between the age of cows and the frequency of development of birth pathology due to the retention of the membranes.