Pharmacophore an International Research Journal
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Open Access | Published: 2018 - Issue 3

Experience of Nursing Lecturers of Moral Distress Factors (Sources): A Qualitative Study Download PDF

Shiva Pejmankhah, Abbas Abbaszadeh and et al

Introduction: Moral distress represents one of the common ethical issues among teachers. These tensions can affect the lecturers’ work life and the quality of teaching. The objective of the current study was assaying the experience of nursing lecturers of the sources of moral distress. Method: 13 nursing lecturers participated in this qualitative study in the form of face-to-face and semi-structured interviews. Data were analyzed by conventional qualitative content analysis method. Findings: The factors and sources of moral distress in nursing lecturers consisted of: conflict of interests, lack of professional competence, program limitations and requirements, limitations of educational rules and regulations, uncivil behavior, weakness in accountability and responsiveness, and lack of individual coping capacities. Conclusion: Nursing lecturers experience a wide range of distress in their workplace. The educational managers are suggested to provide an appropriate functional environment and a transparent professional atmosphere by means of the development of professionalism with general participation of lecturers, students and staff.

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ISSN: 2229-5402

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