Pharmacophore an International Research Journal
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Open Access | Published: 2017 - Issue 2

Improving The New Graduate Nurses Professional Competency: An Action Research Study Download PDF

Neda Poornowrooz, Nehle Parandavar, Mojtaba Zeini Jahromi, Mozhdeh Rahmanian, Mohsen Hojat

Introduction: The object of this study was to improve the professional competency of novice nurses.

Methods: The present study is the first cycle of a cooperative action research, that conducted based on the Kemmis's model in four phases (assessment, planning, implementation & evaluation) at Jahrom University since 2009 to 2016. Assessment phase contained formed of project management team, situational analysis (through individual and focus group discussion interviews with patients, head nurses, nurses and novice nurses, direct observation) and problems analysis by "Why? Why?" technique, select a decision model, determining the goals of the program. Planning and implementation phase contained Determine the format, compilation and validation of the program, developing a clinical competency assessment process, preparing an educational booklet, preparing a questions bank, holding periodic theoretical exams every two months. Evaluation phase contained holding three to five FGD and six to nine individual interviews annually. Results: Dissatisfaction with the quality of knowledge, attitude and practice of the new graduate nurses, violation of in the law of prioritizing the novice nurses, developing competency assessment process, preparing the booklet, preparing the questions bank, and holding periodic exams were the main findings of this study. Conclusion: Development of structure and process of assessing clinical competency of novice nurses, developing an educational booklet, and implementing standard periodic exams although were able to reduce some of the problems of the new graduated students and provide relative satisfaction. In the other hand, improving the head nurses and patients’ satisfaction from new graduate nurses was the main result of this study. 


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ISSN: 2229-5402

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