Pharmacophore an International Research Journal
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Open Access | Published: 2018 - Issue 4

Microbial Load, Pesticides Residue, Aflatoxin Estimation and Heavy Metals Analysis of a Single Unani Drug Badranjboya (Melissa Officinalis) Download PDF

Sana Nafees, Huda Nafees, Sumbul Rehman, S.Z Rahman4, K.M.YAmin

The recent study was aimed to evaluate safety parameters of Badranjboya (Melissa officinalis) as a very common drug used in Unani System of Medicine for its cardiotonic and exhilarant effect in palpitation and syncope. The study revealed the presence of heavy metals lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic within the permissible limit as per WHO guidelines, while aflatoxins, pesticides and microbial load were found to be absent in the crude drug sample. It could be said that the drug was free from toxicity.

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ISSN: 2229-5402

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