Pharmacophore an International Research Journal
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Open Access | Published: 2023 - Issue 1

Overview of the Pharmacological Use of Pectins and Pectin-Containing Substances: Recent Achievements and Prospects Download PDF

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This paper is an overview on the Pectins which are a group of polysaccharides from plant cells. Structural diversity makes functionality of the pectins versatile with a variety of biological, techno-functional, biomedical, and pharmaceutical properties. Nearly all the plants contain pectin, however, the majority of it is used commercially and is derived from citrus fruits, specifically oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and apples. Commercial production is judged on new features and applications in addition to economics. Recently, there has been an effort to find new sources of pectin, such as using the leftovers from the processing of pulp from sugar beet, mango, and sunflower. Pectin substances can affect the human body as follows: prebiotic effect, cholesterol reduction, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, antitumor effect, biosorbent, transportation of drugs. This article's goal is to discuss pectin application techniques and pectin-containing products. The prospects of further development and use of these biopolymers are also considered.

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Maslova AY, Mishvelov AE, Nasrulaeva KN, Yasaeva JK, Tsgoev AS, Medova MM. Overview of the Pharmacological Use of Pectins and Pectin-Containing Substances: Recent Achievements and Prospects. Pharmacophore. 2023;14(1):39-44.
Maslova, A. Y., Mishvelov, A. E., Nasrulaeva, K. N., Yasaeva, J. K., Tsgoev, A. S., & Medova, M. M. (2023). Overview of the Pharmacological Use of Pectins and Pectin-Containing Substances: Recent Achievements and Prospects. Pharmacophore, 14(1), 39-44.

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