Background: Adolescence refers to a sensitive stage of life in which adolescents of both sexes experience various changes in their bodies. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to being misled if they are not properly informed about wide range of life problems. Descriptive comparative study was conducted on a sample of 154 students (77 nursing and 77 arts) at the faculty of nursing and faculty of arts at Zagazig University. Two tools were used; A structured interview questionnaire sheet and female adolescents, attitude scale. The study results revealed that 85.2% of female nursing students, mothers who had finished their secondary education compared to 39.4% of art students, mothers had good sexual knowledge. Also, 50% of nursing students and 35.3% of art students who had high social class had positive sexual attitudes. There was a statistically significant difference between female adolescent, residence and their sexual knowledge for both nursing and art students. It can be concluded that 67.5% and 37.7% of nursing and art students respectively had good sexual knowledge. Concerning to overall attitude scale, there was a statistically significant difference between both nursing and art students’ groups. Therefore, the study recommended that Pediatric nurse, Psychiatric nurse, Community health nurse and School health nurse should offer sexual health teaching services for adolescents.