Being overweight in the modern world affects about 1.5 billion adults and about 20 million children under the age of 8. In the countries of the former Soviet Union, 35% to 50% of the population is overweight. One of the main causes of this pathology is compulsive overeating. The purpose of this scientific work is to study the effect of ginseng extract on the indicators of carbohydrate metabolism and lipid peroxidation during compulsive overeating in the example of laboratory rats. To experiment, laboratory adult healthy rats were divided into 3 groups: intact animals, animals with alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus, and animals with induced polyphagia. To assess the effect of ginseng extract, 3 similar groups were created. but the introduction of an alcoholic solution of ginseng (20 ml/kg) orally was added to their diet. It was found that ginseng extract has a partially stabilizing effect on metabolism not only in experimental alloxan diabetes but also caused by polyphagia. Such an effect of ginseng may be due to the presence in its composition of a special type of glycosides called eleutherosides, which can increase the permeability of cell membranes for glucose, a stimulating effect on the hexokinase reaction, providing an intensive intake of carbohydrates into the cell, a general stimulating effect of ginseng.