Pharmacophore an International Research Journal
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Open Access | Published: 2019 - Issue 2

Surgical Outcome of Spinal Meningioma, Single Institute Experience Download PDF

Amr Abdelmonam Abdelaziz Mostafa Elkatatny, Mahmoud Ramadan, Ahmed H. Gouda and et al

Background: The aim of this study is to review the literature about the spinal meningiomas, their incidence, clinical picture, the best management, and reveal the factors affecting surgical outcome. Methods: This prospective study was carried in Cairo university hospitals on 45 patients suffering from spinal meningioma which were diagnosed by clinical suspicion and radiological investigations. These cases were operated upon by surgical excision through posterior approach and the outcome of these cases and factors affecting the outcome are observed. Conclusion: In our study we have concluded that early diagnosis and early surgical intervention have better results as delay can lead to permanent neurological deficit. Postoperatively, remarkable improvements in neurological deficits were achieved, however risk factor such as age, severe preoperative neurological deficit, and also if the tumor is ventral to the cord and calcified, surgery becomes challenging, and, it has been considered as predicators of a poor surgical outcome.

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ISSN: 2229-5402

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