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Open Access | Published: 2021 - Issue 6

An Overview on Diagnostic & Management Approach of Kidney Stones Download PDF

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Renal colic is a severe pain that occurs in the flanks. The cause is often an obstructing renal or ureteric stone. This disease is commonly associated with chronic medical conditions such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and osteoporosis. While medical management is key to the treatment, often surgical intervention is needed. In this review, we discuss renal stones from pathophysiology, clinical features, medical and surgical management, and follow-up. PubMed database was used for articles selection, papers were obtained and reviewed. PubMed database was used for articles selection, and the following keys terms: renal stones, pathophysiology, clinical features, diagnosis, management. Renal stones are a clinical diagnosis, and certain clinical features should guide the surgeon to an accurate diagnosis. The mechanism of renal stone formation depends on the aetiological substances, which commonly is calcium, but could also contain oxalate, cystine, or uric acid. While medical therapy remains the standard for the management of renal stones, larger stones need surgical intervention and postoperative follow-up. During this remission period, the management should focus on preventing future stone formation.

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Alruwaili SA, Alanazi YM, Alhumaidan RI, Alqahtani MM, Alasmari KA, Banh AG, et al. An Overview on Diagnostic & Management Approach of Kidney Stones. Pharmacophore. 2021;12(6):19-22.
Alruwaili, S. A., Alanazi, Y. M., Alhumaidan, R. I., Alqahtani, M. M., Alasmari, K. A., Banh, A. G., Alamry, A. M., Alanazi, I. W., Alsaady, A. M., Alqurashi, T. M., et al. (2021). An Overview on Diagnostic & Management Approach of Kidney Stones. Pharmacophore, 12(6), 19-22.

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