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Open Access | Published: 2020 - Issue 6

The Marginal Adaptation of Different Zirconia Reinforced Ceramic Systems Download PDF

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Purpose: This study aimed to review the published literature examining the accuracy of the marginal fit of the zirconia crown and comparing the marginal adaptation between various systems to identify which of them would achieve better marginal conformity. Materials and Methods: A literature review for articles published in the PubMed and Scopus databases was undertaken in February 2020, utilizing explicitly determining inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total of 560 publications were identified, and 330 omitted after screening the title and abstract. After a full-text study, another 214 publications were removed, allowing 16 articles to be used in the final review. The fit refers to the mean marginal gaps in the sample, and the precision is the fit minus the pre-set spacer. Result: The overall mean fit values of Zirconia systems were 67μm, and the accuracy was calculated to be 36μm, which is in the clinically desirable range. Conclusion: All the Zirconia systems considered in this study produced marginal discrepancy in the clinically desirable range.

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Alrashdan RY, Alharbi AS, Baghareeb AM, Alatiah HS, Alqahtani KS, Fakiha Z. The Marginal Adaptation of Different Zirconia Reinforced Ceramic Systems. Pharmacophore. 2020;11(6):157-64.
Alrashdan, R. Y., Alharbi, A. S., Baghareeb, A. M., Alatiah, H. S., Alqahtani, K. S., & Fakiha, Z. (2020). The Marginal Adaptation of Different Zirconia Reinforced Ceramic Systems. Pharmacophore, 11(6), 157-164.

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