In this study, isoforms of NPC-Fe(III) complexes were isolated and purified from Armenian Helianthus tuberosus, Solanum tuberosum, and Daucus sativus. The physicochemical properties of these complexes were determined for the first time, including specific amounts, О2--producing activity, stationary concentration of О2-, and fluorescence intensity. The complexes exhibit maximal optical absorptions in the visible and UV regions. Hybrid associates between the isolated NPC-Fe(III) complexes and NADPH oxidase (Nox) were formed, and the production of О2- by these hybrid associates was observed. The complexes continuously produce О2- in aerobic conditions by utilizing electrons from NPC, transferring them to Fe(III), and subsequently reducing О2 to О2-. Finally, О2 stabilizes О2-.
Overall, these results suggest that the isoforms of NPC-Fe(III) complexes represent new prooxidant components in the aforementioned sources and that NPC serves as a bioelectric source for the production of О2-.